Specialty Skills
Join our Amazing Training Staff for Intensive Pothole Training and Advanced Anchors Workshops
Keeper Potholes
For many canyoneers, the ultimate in canyon obstacles is the Keeper Pothole. Whether they are wet or dry, deep and or wide, these bizarre sandstone features have thwarted many canyon adventures.
Join EOE for two days of intensive pothole training and begin learning the skill sets to master these puzzling sandstone creations. Since Escalante is blessed with “keepers” of nearly every shape, size and challenge imaginable, our students spend the day experiencing the true variety of pothole “problems” that exist in the wild.
This course is designed to give participants the subtle technical skills to turn those intimidating “keeper” obstacles into a canyon experience that is manageable and looked forward to with confidence and enthusiasm. One you may ultimately seek out, time and again.
Completion of Technical Canyoneering Course or equivalent experience.
This course is NOT geared for beginner canyoneers. Please inquire if additional information if needed.
Put away your “Bolt Kit” and learn to safely descend TECHNICAL canyons using natural and retrievable anchors!
EOE is offering an advanced anchors workshop where Canyoneers will spend a full day learning to effectively create secure and safe anchors from locally procured nautral materials. Rocks, logs, pinches, chocks, bushes, etc. We will also be using teaching and using the latest retrievable anchor techniques, as well as many of our time tested favorites.
This course is recommended for those interested in expanding their canyon possibilities while learning to lessen their own canyon “footprint”.
Completion of Technical Canyoneering Course or equivalent experience.
This course is NOT geared for beginner canyoneers. Please inquire if additional information if needed.
Excursions of Escalante Headquarters for the American Canyoneering Asssociation

Explore. Grow. Be Amazed.

Excursions of Escalante
125 East Main Street
Escalante, UT | 84726